Apierion Service Offerings

Payments as a Service

Apierion delivers our payment network as a service (PaaS). The network consists of paper/electronic statements, SMS text, online/web, IVR, merchant credit card, ACH processing and lockbox services. This PaaS operates in concert to drive increased payment performance.
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Apierion On Demand

Apierion specializes in multi-access/multi-party transactions using Contactless Commerce Payment Solutions. Our solution enables key transactions such as telehealth appointments, Rx delivery, medical device/suppliers, remote workers, patients and other required commerce encounters.
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Universal Payment App

Apierion's major differentiator from other app stored value applications is that MEDspedia is designed for medical commerce. Pay ANY and ALL medical bills in one secure place, with archived records of payments.
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Buy Now Pay Later

Similar to BNPL plans in typical retail commerce, Apierion's version for healthcare brings affordability and predictability to medical commerce. Payment plans, auto-recurring and micro financing are available to support patients and providers alike.
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Apierion Enterprise
B2B Payments

As a trusted intermediary, Apierion provides automated, streamlined transactions for organizations to pull invoices and push payments for their providers, independent consultants, and other vendors by defining criteria for affiliated and non-affiliated enterprise/peer to peer principals.
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Apierion OBO
Payment Accelerator
Digitize Paper

Apierion OBO Payment Accelerator will streamline the paper check process to providers, consultants, and principals, which is fraught with manual steps, USPS reliance, timing delays, and staff/manual reconciliation. Delivers automatic payments to affiliated and non-affiliated provider bank accounts, while eliminating NSFs.
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Apierion Blockchain
& Digital Representation
of Value

Apierion is a visionary in distributed ledger technology and digitization of value to reconcile a transaction. Several use cases are being deployed in partnership with a major blockchain platform. Bring us your challenge both domestically and globally.
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Apierion Borderless Payments

Apierion's Borderless Payments provides a digital evolution of payments being transacted in foreign jurisdictions in a way that finally makes sense. Healthcare providers can ride our cross-border international rails to bring economies of scale and uniformity to patient payments.
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Strategic Payments Consulting

Apierion provides unrivaled domain expertise in payments and healthcare to transform your cashflow, efficiency, compliance and transparency. Our senior management consultants evaluate, strategize and engage solutions for your business, ranging from healthcare startups to mega-enterprises and States/Countries.
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