What is MEDspedia?
MEDspedia is a patient hub. Traditionally, a patient has to establish online access to every unique provider just to pay a bill. Reducing the cost of the transaction for providers while remaining 100% HIPAA compliant for the patients.
MEDspedia provides for one on-ramp, facilitating multiple off-ramps of providers. With the launch of the app, payments are truly just a snap.
We believe in a permissionable blockchain with the patient centric to their own Humancare. We believe in sustainable business models not pixie dust. ​
Problems We Are Targeting​
Due to the complexities within the billing process, patients are often confused when completing healthcare payments
Control of Personal Data
Silos of health records within the competing industry stakeholders give rise to access complications relative to personal data
The frequency of healthcare data systems being exposed to hackers and ransomware is growing year over year. Patient-centric nodes make it impenetrable.